This is the complete list of members for kWorld, including all inherited members.
ChangeAreaArg(const int areaID, const int arg, const int16 value) | kWorld | |
ChangeAreaFlag(const int areaID, const uint flags, const bool active) | kWorld | |
ChangeAreaFloorImpact(const int areaID, const int value) | kWorld | |
ChangeAreaWallImpact(const int areaID, const int value) | kWorld | |
ChangeAreaWaterHeight(const int areaID, const float height) | kWorld | |
ChangeSectorCeilingHeight(const int sectorIndex, const float height) | kWorld | |
ChangeSectorCeilingHeightVertices(const int sectorIndex, const float height, const int ptMask=7) | kWorld | |
ChangeSectorHeight(const int sectorIndex, const float height) | kWorld | |
ChangeSectorHeightVertices(const int sectorIndex, const float height, const int ptMask=7) | kWorld | |
FindNextClosestSector(const kVec3 &in origin) | kWorld | |
FloodFillAreaFlags(const int sectorIndex, const uint flags, const bool active) | kWorld | |
FloodFillAreaFlags(const kVec3 &in origin, const uint flags, const bool active) | kWorld | |
FloodMatchingAreaFlags(const int sectorIndex, const uint flags, const bool active) | kWorld | |
GetActorByTID(const int tagID, const int typeFilter=- 1) const | kWorld | |
GetAreaArg(const int areaID, const int arg) const | kWorld | |
GetAreaFlags(const int areaID) const | kWorld | |
GetAreaFloorImpact(const int areaID) const | kWorld | |
GetAreaWallImpact(const int areaID) const | kWorld | |
GetNumActors() const | kWorld | |
GetNumAreas() const | kWorld | |
GetNumSectors() const | kWorld | |
GetSectorAreaID(const int sectorIndex) const | kWorld | |
GetSectorBridge(const int sectorIndex, const uint bridge) const | kWorld | |
GetSectorCorners(const int sectorIndex, kVec3 &out pt1, kVec3 &out pt2, kVec3 &out pt3, kVec3 &out heights) const | kWorld | |
GetSectorFlags(const int sectorIndex) const | kWorld | |
GetSectorLinks(const int sectorIndex, int &out sectorIndex1, int &out sectorIndex2, int &out sectorIndex3) const | kWorld | |
GetSectorNumBridges(const int sectorIndex) const | kWorld | |
SetSectorFlags(const int sectorIndex, const int flags) | kWorld | |
TriggerActorsByTID(kActor@ instigator, const int tagID) | kWorld |