No Matches
kWorld Member List

This is the complete list of members for kWorld, including all inherited members.

ChangeAreaArg(const int areaID, const int arg, const int16 value)kWorld
ChangeAreaFlag(const int areaID, const uint flags, const bool active)kWorld
ChangeAreaFloorImpact(const int areaID, const int value)kWorld
ChangeAreaWallImpact(const int areaID, const int value)kWorld
ChangeAreaWaterHeight(const int areaID, const float height)kWorld
ChangeSectorCeilingHeight(const int sectorIndex, const float height)kWorld
ChangeSectorCeilingHeightVertices(const int sectorIndex, const float height, const int ptMask=7)kWorld
ChangeSectorHeight(const int sectorIndex, const float height)kWorld
ChangeSectorHeightVertices(const int sectorIndex, const float height, const int ptMask=7)kWorld
FindNextClosestSector(const kVec3 &in origin)kWorld
FloodFillAreaFlags(const int sectorIndex, const uint flags, const bool active)kWorld
FloodFillAreaFlags(const kVec3 &in origin, const uint flags, const bool active)kWorld
FloodMatchingAreaFlags(const int sectorIndex, const uint flags, const bool active)kWorld
GetActorByTID(const int tagID, const int typeFilter=- 1) constkWorld
GetAreaArg(const int areaID, const int arg) constkWorld
GetAreaFlags(const int areaID) constkWorld
GetAreaFloorImpact(const int areaID) constkWorld
GetAreaWallImpact(const int areaID) constkWorld
GetNumActors() constkWorld
GetNumAreas() constkWorld
GetNumSectors() constkWorld
GetSectorAreaID(const int sectorIndex) constkWorld
GetSectorBridge(const int sectorIndex, const uint bridge) constkWorld
GetSectorCorners(const int sectorIndex, kVec3 &out pt1, kVec3 &out pt2, kVec3 &out pt3, kVec3 &out heights) constkWorld
GetSectorFlags(const int sectorIndex) constkWorld
GetSectorLinks(const int sectorIndex, int &out sectorIndex1, int &out sectorIndex2, int &out sectorIndex3) constkWorld
GetSectorNumBridges(const int sectorIndex) constkWorld
SetSectorFlags(const int sectorIndex, const int flags)kWorld
TriggerActorsByTID(kActor@ instigator, const int tagID)kWorld