This is the complete list of members for kGame, including all inherited members.
AddPic(const int id, const kStr &in path, const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h, const int edge=0, const float s1=0.0f, const float t1=0.0f, const float s2=1.0f, const float t2=1.0f, const int r=255, const int g=255, const int b=255, const int a=255) | kGame | |
AddText(const int id, const int font, const kStr &in text, const float x, const float y, const int edge=0, const float scale=1.0f, const bool center=false, const bool shadow=false, const int r=255, const int g=255, const int b=255, const int a=255, const int r2=255, const int g2=255, const int b2=255, const int a2=255) | kGame | |
AutomapCustom(const bool toggle) | kGame | |
AutomapDeactive(const bool toggle) | kGame | |
AutomapDeactived() | kGame | |
AutomapEnabled() | kGame | |
AutomapToggle(const bool toggle) | kGame | |
BossDamageScaler(const int difficulty, const int damage) | kGame | |
BoxInView(const kVec3 &in min, const kVec3 &in max) | kGame | |
CallDelayedMapScript(const kStr &in funcName, kActor@ instigator, const float delay) | kGame | |
CallDelayedMapScript(const int scriptID, kActor@ instigator, const float delay) | kGame | |
CallMapScript(const int scriptID, kActor@ instigator) | kGame | |
CenterMouse() | kGame | |
ChangeMap(const kStr &in path) | kGame | |
ClearDummyMenu(bool bClearAll=false) | kGame | |
ClearInterpolationOnGameObjects() | kGame | |
ClearLifeForcePic() | kGame | |
ClearLivesPic() | kGame | |
ClearPics(const bool clearImageCache=false) | kGame | |
ClearText() | kGame | |
ClearWeaponWheelPic(const int weapon) | kGame | |
ConButtons() | kGame | |
ConfirmMenu(const kStr &in msg1, const kStr &in msg2) | kGame | |
DisableLegalText() | kGame | |
GetActionBind(const int action, const bool first=true, const bool sort=true) | kGame | |
GetCommandBind(const kStr &in command, const bool first=true, const bool sort=true) | kGame | |
GetCurrentMapID() | kGame | |
GetDateAndTime(int &out seconds, int &out minutes, int &out hours, int &out day, int &out month, int &out year, kStr &out text) | kGame | |
GetDifficulty() | kGame | |
GetExtraZFar() | kGame | |
GetGameSpeed() | kGame | |
GetHubKeyInfo(const uint hubID, int &out nKeys, int &out remainingKeys, int &out keyBits) | kGame | |
GetHUDOffset(const bool user=false) | kGame | |
GetInputImagePath(const kStr &in bindName) | kGame | |
GetLocalizedText(const kStr &in key) | kGame | |
GetMapIDFromName(const kStr &in mapName) | kGame | |
GetMapNumberFromName(const kStr &in mapName) | kGame | |
GetPreventOpenPauseMenu() | kGame | |
GetTextSize(const kStr &in text, const int font, const float scale, float &out width, float &out height) | kGame | |
GetWorldSunAmbientColor() | kGame | |
GetWorldSunDirection() | kGame | |
GetWorldSunLightColor() | kGame | |
HaltMapScript(const int scriptID) | kGame | |
HideAirBar() | kGame | |
HideAmmo() | kGame | |
HideBossBar() | kGame | |
HideCrosshair() | kGame | |
HideHealth() | kGame | |
HideHelpMessages() | kGame | |
HideLifeForces() | kGame | |
HideLives() | kGame | |
HideMessages() | kGame | |
HideRunWalk() | kGame | |
HideTimers() | kGame | |
HideWeaponWheel() | kGame | |
InputImageExists(const kStr &in path) | kGame | |
IsActorPersistentMarked(const int actorIndex, const int hubID=-1, const int mapNum=0) | kGame | |
IsJoystickActive() | kGame | |
IsTactilePlaying(int vibHandle) | kGame | |
IsTactilePlaying(int vibHandle, const kStr &in path) | kGame | |
IsWorkshop() | kGame | |
KillAllFx() | kGame | |
LifeForcePulse() | kGame | |
LivesPulse() | kGame | |
LoadMenu() | kGame | |
LoadModDataFile(const kStr &in filename) | kGame | |
LoadModFile(const kStr &in filename) | kGame | |
MarkActorPersistentBit(const int actorIndex, const bool clear=false, const int hubID=-1, const int mapNum=0) | kGame | |
MenuButtons(void) const int64 GetTimestamp() | kGame | |
MessageBox(const kStr &in msg1, const kStr &in msg2) | kGame | |
MusicIsPaused() | kGame | |
MusicIsPlaying() | kGame | |
MusicPitch(const float pitch) | kGame | |
MusicSong() | kGame | |
OverrideFogType(const int value) | kGame | |
OverridePerPolyCollision(const int value) | kGame | |
OverrideSkyHeight(const float height) | kGame | |
PauseMusic() | kGame | |
PlayerName() | kGame | |
PlayMovie(const kStr &in filename, const bool skippable=true) | kGame | |
PlayMusic(const kStr &in path, const bool loop) | kGame | |
PlaySound(const kStr &in path) | kGame | |
PlaySoundID(const int soundID) | kGame | |
PlayTactile(const kStr &in path, int channel, int pos) | kGame | |
Print(const kStr &in text, const int ticks=120) | kGame | |
PrintHelp(const kStr &in text, const bool endGame=false) | kGame | |
PrintLine(const kStr &in text, const int lineNumber, const int ticks=120) | kGame | |
PurgeUnusedModels() | kGame | |
RemovePic(const int id) | kGame | |
RemoveText(const int id) | kGame | |
RemoveTimer() | kGame | |
Restart() | kGame | |
ResumeMusic() | kGame | |
RunWalkPulse() | kGame | |
SaveMenu() | kGame | |
SaveModFile(const kStr &in filename) | kGame | |
SetArmorFlash() | kGame | |
SetCursorHotPos(int x, int y) | kGame | |
SetDamageFlash() | kGame | |
SetDifficulty(const int value) | kGame | |
SetExtraZFar(const float zfar) | kGame | |
SetGameSpeed(const float speed, const float blendSpeed) | kGame | |
SetHubKey(const uint hubID, int key) | kGame | |
SetLifeForcePic(const kStr &in imagePath) | kGame | |
SetLivesPic(const kStr &in imagePath) | kGame | |
SetModBindings(const bool show=true) | kGame | |
SetNoModSelect(const bool bToggle=true) | kGame | |
SetPicAngle(const int id, const float angle) | kGame | |
SetPicColor(const int id, const int r=255, const int g=255, const int b=255, const int a=255) | kGame | |
SetPicEdge(const int id, const int edge) | kGame | |
SetPickupFlash() | kGame | |
SetPicOrigin(const int id, const float x, const float y) | kGame | |
SetPicTex(const int id, const kStr &in path) | kGame | |
SetPicUV(const int id, const float s1=0.0f, const float t1=0.0f, const float s2=1.0f, const float t2=1.0f) | kGame | |
SetPicWH(const int id, const float w, const float h) | kGame | |
SetPreventOpenPauseMenu(const bool value) | kGame | |
SetTextColor(const int id, const int r=255, const int g=255, const int b=255, const int a=255) | kGame | |
SetTextColors(const int id, const int r=255, const int g=255, const int b=255, const int a=255, const int r2=255, const int g2=255, const int b2=255, const int a2=255) | kGame | |
SetTextMsg(const int id, const kStr &in text) | kGame | |
SetTextOrigin(const int id, const float x, const float y) | kGame | |
SetTextProps(const int id, const float scale, const int font=0, const int edge=0, const bool center=false, const bool shadow=false) | kGame | |
SetWeaponWheelPic(const int weapon, const kStr &in imagePath) | kGame | |
SetWorldSunAmbientColor(const float r, const float g, const float b) | kGame | |
SetWorldSunDirection(const float x, const float y, const float z) | kGame | |
SetWorldSunLightColor(const float r, const float g, const float b) | kGame | |
ShakeIntensity() | kGame | |
ShowDummyMenu(void) | kGame | |
ShowMainMenu(const bool mouseCenter=true) | kGame | |
ShowPauseMenu() | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, kActor@ source, const kVec3 &in velocity, const kVec3 &in origin, const kQuat &in rotation) | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, kPuppet@ source, const kVec3 &in velocity, const kVec3 &in origin, const kQuat &in rotation) | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, kActor@ source, const kVec3 &in origin, const kQuat &in rotation) | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, kPuppet@ source, const kVec3 &in origin, const kQuat &in rotation) | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, kActor@ source, const kVec3 &in origin, const float yaw, const float pitch) | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, kPuppet@ source, const kVec3 &in origin, const float yaw, const float pitch) | kGame | |
SpawnFx(const kStr &in fxPath, const kVec3 &in origin, const int sectorIndex) | kGame | |
SphereInView(const kVec3 &in origin, const float radius) | kGame | |
StartTimer() | kGame | |
StopAllTactile() | kGame | |
StopMusic() | kGame | |
StopSounds() | kGame | |
StopTactile(int vibHandle) | kGame | |
StopTimer() | kGame | |
ToggleCursor(bool b=false) | kGame | |
ViewZFar() | kGame | |
WeaponWheelPulse() | kGame | |
WorldToHUDPoint(const kVec3 &in origin) | kGame |