Carray< T > | |
CkActor | Base type used by all actors |
CkActorFactory | For Spawning Actors |
CkActorIterator | The way to iterate through all actors in the map. Example code: |
CkAI | |
CkAngle | Angle functions |
CkAnimState | |
CkBitDelta | < Not used (garbage included automatically from kexengine) |
CkCamera | |
CkCModel | The kCModel(CModel) global stores collision results when certain actor methods are called. Those methods are as follows: GetSectorIndexAtLocation const bool CanSee(kActor@, const uint = 0) MoveToPosition SpawnProjectile bool CheckPosition(const kVec3 &in) |
CkColor | < Not used (included automatically from kexengine) |
CkDict | Editable Dictionary object that holds keys and values |
CkDictMem | Read only Dictionary object that holds keys and values |
CkexTranslation | < Not used (garbage included automatically from kexengine) |
CkGame | |
CkPlane | Plane functions |
CkPlayer | |
CkPlayLoop | |
CkPuppet | |
CkQuat | Quaternions used to represent rotations |
CkRenderModel | |
CkScriptObject | |
CkSelectionListFloat | For selecting a float value based on weights |
CkSelectionListInt | For selecting a int value based on weights |
CkStr | String class functions |
CkSys | |
CkVec3 | Representation of 3D vectors and points |
CkWeapon | |
CkWorld | |
Cref | |
CScriptObject | |
CScriptObjectWeapon |