No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Carray< T >
 CkActorBase type used by all actors
 CkActorFactoryFor Spawning Actors
 CkActorIteratorThe way to iterate through all actors in the map. Example code:
 CkAngleAngle functions
 CkBitDelta< Not used (garbage included automatically from kexengine)
 CkCModelThe kCModel(CModel) global stores collision results when certain actor methods are called. Those methods are as follows: GetSectorIndexAtLocation const bool CanSee(kActor@, const uint = 0) MoveToPosition SpawnProjectile bool CheckPosition(const kVec3 &in)
 CkColor< Not used (included automatically from kexengine)
 CkDictEditable Dictionary object that holds keys and values
 CkDictMemRead only Dictionary object that holds keys and values
 CkexTranslation< Not used (garbage included automatically from kexengine)
 CkPlanePlane functions
 CkQuatQuaternions used to represent rotations
 CkSelectionListFloatFor selecting a float value based on weights
 CkSelectionListIntFor selecting a int value based on weights
 CkStrString class functions
 CkVec3Representation of 3D vectors and points