kVec3 | TransformToOwnerPosition () |
| returns the OffsetPosition() * the players matrix.
kVec3 | TransformToOwnerPosition (const kVec3 &in vector) |
| returns the (OffsetPosition() + vector) * the players matrix.
void | FireProjectile (const kStr &in fxPath, const float x, const float y, const float z, const bool adjustToPerspective=false) |
| SpawnsFx at the players at the position passed in * players rotation, then adds the viewHeight + landingViewOffset to the z position. Sets PF_FIREDPROJECTILE PlayerFlags. adjustToPerspective will change the position you pass in like this:
bool & | PreventFire () |
| Use in OnBeginFire to internally prevent from entering its Fire state.
kVec3 & | OffsetPosition () |
| Offset position of weapon.
int & | State () |
| EnumWeaponStates.
kPlayer & | Owner () |
const bool | IsStale () const |
| Actor is marked as removed and is waiting to be freed from memory when it next checks if there are no more references to this actor.
kAngle & | Yaw () |
kAngle & | Pitch () |
kAngle & | Roll () |
kVec3 & | Origin () |
| Position in world space.
kVec3 & | Scale () |
kVec3 & | PrevOrigin () |
void | SetTarget (kActor@ actor) |
kActor | GetTarget () |
void | SetSector (const uint sectorIndex) |
void | Remove () |
| Removes the actor and sets stale to true. Actor will only internally be removed when there are no references to this actor.
kVec3 & | Velocity () |
kVec3 & | Movement () |
kQuat & | Rotation () |
int16 & | Health () |
int & | Type () |
| The actors Type ID.
int & | ImpactType () |
| EnumImpactType.
bool & | IgnoreSectorHeightChange (void) |
| if true will not change position(or velocity and movement) when sector height changes.
int & | ModelVariation () |
int & | SpeciesMask () |
uint & | Flags () |
| EnumActorFlags.
const uint | SpawnFlags1 () const |
| EnumActorSpawnFlags1.
const uint | SpawnFlags2 () const |
| EnumActorSpawnFlags2.
const uint | SpawnFlags3 () const |
| EnumActorSpawnFlags3.
const int | TID () const |
float & | Radius () |
float & | Height () |
float & | StepHeight () |
| AKA Dead Height. Used for moving up steps, figuring out if in waterheight, and the height of the actor when they are dead so you can still shoot them.
float & | WallRadius () |
float & | Gravity () |
float & | Friction () |
float & | AnimSpeed () |
float & | BounceDamp () |
float & | FloorHeight () |
float & | CeilingHeight () |
const int | SectorIndex () |
const int | AreaID () const |
bool | InstanceOf (const kStr &in className) const |
| example: InstanceOf("kexPuppet")
void | PlaySound (const kStr &in soundPath) |
void | PlaySoundWithLookupID (const int soundID) |
void | StopSound () |
void | StopLoopingSounds () |
const int | GameTicks () const |
kAnimState & | AnimState () |
kRenderModel | RenderModel () |
const bool | InWater () const |
bool | CheckPosition (const kVec3 &in origin) |
| checks if the actor can move to this location
bool | CheckPosition (const float angle, const float distance) |
| calls CheckPosition(kVec3 origin) with location being: Actor.Origin() + (angle*distance*actor.Radius())
float | GetTurnYaw (const kVec3 &in lookAtLocation) const |
float | GetAvoidanceAngle (const kVec3 &in lookAtLocation, const float distance) |
const float | GetWaterHeight () const |
const bool | CanSee (kActor@ actor, const uint excludeClipFlags=0) |
| excludeClipFlags to ignore/disable (EnumClipFlags)
uint & | ClipFlags () |
| EnumClipFlags.
kDictMem | Definition () |
| get actors def data
bool | OnGround () const |
int | GetWaterLevel () const |
| EnumWaterLevel.
kActor | CastToActor () |
| Casts to a kActor. Only used for kPuppet Actor().
kAI | CastToAI () |
| Casts to kAI. returns null if isn't a kAI.
void | SpawnProjectile (const kStr &in fxPath, const kVec3 &in pos, const kVec3 &in targetLocation, const float maxAngle) |
void | MeleeObject (const kStr &in damageType, const kVec3 &in offset, const float radius) |
void | SpawnFx (const kStr &in fxPath, const kVec3 &in pos) |
void | SpawnFx (const kStr &in fxPath, const kVec3 &in pos, const kQuat &in rot) |
kVec3 | GetTransformedVector (const kVec3 &in vector) |
float | DistanceToPoint (const kVec3 &in point) const |
| calls DistanceToPoint(x,y,z)
float | DistanceToPoint (const float x, const float y, const float z) const |
| actors point is in the center
void | InflictGenericDamage (kActor@ inflictor, const int damage) |
void | InflictDamage (kActor@ inflictor, const kStr &in damageDef) |
void | InteractActorsAtPosition (const kVec3 &in pos, const kStr &in callbackFunc, const float arg1=0, const float arg2=0, const float arg3=0, const float arg4=0) |
kScriptObject | ScriptObject () |
void | MoveToPosition (const float x, const float y) |
| Moves the world object to a desired position at xy coordinates. Movement will use hitscan collision for quick collision tests.
bool | RandomDecision (const int randomBit) const |
| randomBit should be >= 2. if a random value has the bit set and actors GameTicks also has the bit set then returns true.
void | SetPosition (const kVec3 &in pos) |
| best way to set an actors position, will also set the sector and clearinterpolation
const int16 | SpawnParams (const int paramID) const |
| Get a map actors param value.
const float | GetCeilingHeight () const |
| calculates the ceiling height from the actors sector and origin. Returns 0 if not in a sector.
const float | GetFloorHeight () const |
| calculates the floor height from the actors sector and origin. Returns 0 if not in a sector.
void | RunFxEvent (const kStr &in fxEventName) |
| Runs an ActorFX event. Example: RunFxEvent("Enemy_Freeze");.
const int | GetSectorIndexAtLocation (const kVec3 &in pos, uint excludeClipFlags=0) |
| excludeClipFlags to ignore/disable (EnumClipFlags)
void | MarkPersistentBit (const bool clear) |
const bool | IsPersistentMarked () |
void | SetHeadTrackTarget (kActor@ actor) |
void | ClearInterpolation () |
void | AutomapToggle (const bool show) |
| Use with Game.AutomapCustom(true);.
void | SetAutomapColor (const int r, const int g, const int b) |
void | SetSpawnParams (const int param, const int16 value) |
| Sets the actors param value. all params are int16.
void | SetSpawnFlags1 (const uint flags) |
| EnumActorSpawnFlags1.
void | SetSpawnFlags2 (const uint flags) |
| EnumActorSpawnFlags2.
void | SetSpawnFlags3 (const uint flags) |
| EnumActorSpawnFlags3.
void | SetupSpawnParams () |
| call after setting your actors spawnflags for them to take effect on the kActor
void | SetCustomDeadHeight (const bool bUse, const float height) |
| Height of actor when they are dead. Only for non map actors. (actors spawned with ActorFactory)
const float | GetCustomDeadHeight () |
const bool | GetUsingCustomDeadHeight () |
const bool | OverridingKeyTouchTID () |
| used only for key pickups
const int16 | GetOverrideKeyTouchTID () |
| used only for key pickups
void | OverrideKeyTouchTID (const bool bOverride, const int16 tid) |
| used only for key pickups to tell what key it is in the hub
bool & | SkipKeyTouchCinema () |
| used only for key pickups
void | SetModel (kStr &in modelFile, kStr &in animFile) |
| a way to set the model/anim for actors that had no model set previously
bool & | TriggerInvincibility () |
| Can't damage if true. Gets set to true if enemy has trigger anim and false when activated.
void | GetBoundsMinMax (kVec3 &out min, kVec3 &out max) const |
| actor must not be sleeping and have a model set and not be a pickup. otherwise will return default min/max values of (-128, -128, -128) (128, 128, 128)
const int | MapActorIndex () const |
| Returns -1 if not a map actor.
int & | DifficultyMode () |
| The difficulty this actor is currently set to.
void | OverrideOnDamageValue (const int damage, const bool bOverride=true) |
| call in OnPreDamage
bool & | NoKnockBack () |
| Will not receive knock back movement from things like the alien weapon for example.
const float | BaseHeight () const |
| height of actor when spawned or when kAI regenerated
void | RunAction (const int funcID, const float w=0.0f, const float x=0.0f, const float y=0.0f, const float z=0.0f) |
| run a function on the actor defined in defs/animActions.txt
float & | AirFriction () |
| default = 1.0f
float & | WaterFriction () |
| default = 0.5f (same as Friction)
float & | Mass () |
| default = GAME_SCALE * 1.0f
const float | GetSkyHeight () const |
bool & | ChildOfTarget (void) |
| if this actors Target is an actor that belongs to the owner of the Fx, explosion or melee attack then won't collide/get damaged.
kVec3 | DamageOrigin (void) const |
| The Origin point of the attacker (Fx, Actor, or null (returns this actors origin in that case)) who damaged this actor last. Gets set before OnPreDamage.
kVec3 | DamageVelocity (void) const |
| The Velocity of the attacker (Fx, Actor, or null (returns this actors velocity in that case)) who damaged this actor last. Gets set before OnPreDamage.
const bool | CanSee (kPuppet@ puppet, const uint excludeClipFlags=0) |
| excludeClipFlags to ignore/disable (EnumClipFlags). Note: This function that takes in the kPuppet arg is only available for kActor, not for kPuppet or kAI or kWeapon.